Free Fonts Serif
Backzone DEMO Font
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General information
This font exhibits a classic serif style with a slightly distressed appearance, giving it a hand-crafted and vintage feel. The characters are well-defined with moderate contrast between thick and thin strokes, adding to its legibility and charm. The serifs are pronounced yet not overly exaggerated, maintaining a balance between elegance and readability. The uppercase and lowercase letters are consistent in style, with a slight variation in the stroke endings that adds a unique character to the font. The numerals and special characters follow the same design principles, ensuring uniformity across all glyphs.
A classic serif font with a vintage, hand-crafted appearance and moderate stroke contrast.
- Downloads: 179
- ( Fonts by vilogsign FREE )
- Font: Backzone DEMO
- Weight: Regular
- Version: Version Version 1.000
- No. of Characters:: 197
- Proposed Projects: Ideal for projects that require a vintage or classic touch, such as book covers, invitations, branding for artisanal products, or historical-themed designs.
- Category: Serif
- Bold: No
- Italic: No
- Weight: Regular
- Width: Normal
- Character Spacing: Normal
- Contrast: Medium
- Overall Style: Vintage
- Use Case: Headlines, Body text, Logos
- Encoding Scheme:
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
Glyphs ! # ( ) * + , - . / : ; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~



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